Our Instructor

Julia Bay

Meet Julia Bay, the visionary behind PourPaint Party. As a one-woman powerhouse, Julia orchestrates every aspect of this artistic venture, from bookings to hand-packaging materials, ensuring each party is a personalized and immersive experience.

Her journey in acrylic pouring spans years, honing her craft to perfection. While adept at crafting custom pieces, Julia's true passion lies in sharing the mesmerizing art form of acrylic pouring with others. Her vibrant events, both local and global, bring the joy of creativity to doorsteps, fostering memorable experiences.

Corporate events in the vibrant DC area thrive under Julia's artistic touch, while remote events transcend boundaries, with materials shipped to eager participants worldwide. Virtual gatherings become a canvas for artistic connection and expression, uniting enthusiasts from different corners of the globe.

Julia's dedication to PourPaint Party is a testament to her commitment to art and the community. Her infectious enthusiasm and expertise create an atmosphere where creativity knows no limits. Join Julia and experience the magic of acrylic pouring, where every swirl and blend reflects a shared moment of artistic delight.